Lucy Ward – Founder of ID Makeup Hair Beauty,
For over 10 years I have had the luxury of doing what I love the most every day, helping women with all aspects of their beauty to look and feel beautiful.
My journey began when I was a little girl longing to be seen, to be beautiful, to be noticed. It planted a seed that is now rooted in my heart to help girls and women discover their own beauty both inside and out, not for others but for themselves to shine and flourish. Loving myself was and still can be a huge battle, particularly in times where there is so much temptation and expectation to be, to have and look a certain way. The pressure is huge!
Nearly three years ago I had my first baby and expecting our second in April and what a dramatic change it has had to my life, amazing but at the same time exhausting and challenging. I now totally understand why my clients would say ‘I don’t have 10 minutes to put on my makeup im lucky if I shower” I totally get it.
In 2009 I started ID and what an incredible journey it has been, creating hair and makeup looks for weddings and occasions, helping women with their skin concerns, wardrobe revamps, makeup master classes and much more. I treasure my memories with all my clients, each and everyone has blessed me and impacted my life in some way. I am also so fortunate and thankful to have worked alongside an amazing talented team who all share the same passion for beauty.
From November 2019 Lauren Ross ‘my amazing super talented sister’ will be the New Owner and Manager of ID Makeup Hair Beauty. As emotional as it is saying goodbye to ID I am also so excited to see ID flourish and have my sister who I love dearly and admire in so many ways take on the new ownership. For the Last year Lauren has been managing ID and taking it to awesome heights which is super exciting. It makes me so happy to see her so passionate and in love with ID as much as I have been and still am.
In my next chapter I will be venturing into a new project, where I will dive deeper into the subject of beauty. I believe it is through sharing truth and reality that we can be strengthened and know we are not alone. Bringing value, worth, strength and support to young girls, teenage girls and women through sisterhood chat, real life testimonies & simple beauty tutorials will be the beginning of the journey.
However, in this present moment I am reminded of the importance of rest ‘My pregnancy pause’. While baby is growing and new life joins our little family in 2020 I will be taking this opportunity to rest, nest and nurture and embrace the new season I am stepping into.
What is so amazing is although a door is closing the purpose ‘to own your unique beauty and love yourself’ remains the same, that will never end. I believe in life we must close a door before a new one opens. We can try and figure it all out and make plans for the future or we can trust and wait and see. This is my leap of faith, trusting something beautiful is in the horizon.
All my love
Lucy x